Get thee to a monastery, but not for the reasons normally associated with this quote.
Instead, travelers are seeking the solace of monasteries to escape from the hectic pace of today’s harried, modern life. But they aren’t selling their worldly possessions and dropping out of society for twenty years. No, today’s monastery seekers are heading out of town to enjoy just a night or two surrounded by the golden sound of silence.
Believe it or not, monasteries still rent out empty rooms to random visitors just as they have for hundreds of years. Of course, you’ll need to call ahead for reservations and hope you reach a “receptionist” who hasn’t taken a vow of silence.
So, what’s it like?
A recent AP article detailed the experience at Conception Abbey located 90 miles from Kansas City, Missouri. Rooms cost just $25 a night ($5 more on the weekends) with a shared bathroom and showers down the hall. For just $7 more, you can eat in the communal dining hall with the monks.
What a fantastic deal! Considering the premium on silence these days, a Spartan room with the bare essentials and no telephone or yammering guests is worth far more than this–especially considering that getting thee to a monastery might just be the perfect antidote for what ails you in today’s stressful world.