Next year, in celebration of the Eiffel Tower’s 120-year birthday, the iconic structure will get a temporary, upgraded observation deck made of carbon kevlar.
“Our project will extend the top floor plate of the tower by grafting a high performance carbon Kevlar structure on it. The structure will be temporarily bolted to the slab without requiring any modification of the existing structure. It will expand the usable floor area from 280 m2 to 580m2. The extension is composed of 2 slabs connected to the third floor deck as well as the upper level used as an apartment of Mister Eiffel (a space provided for temporary resting of Gustave Eiffel).”
This is pretty cool, I guess. And what I mean by that is I can’t think of anything snarky to say about it. You win this time, Paris.
[Via Neatorama]