If you’ve ever had a desire to learn underwater basket weaving, you might first want to start with underwater ironing. As much as this sounds like an April Fools post, 72 Australian scuba divers did in fact break the world record for what they call “extreme ironing” when they dove into the water just south of Melbourne accompanied by their linens and ironing boards.
What exactly is extreme ironing? It’s the “latest danger sport that combines the thrill of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt,” according to the sport’s official website, the Extreme Ironing Bureau. Extreme ironers don’t only press their shirts underwater; the sport can take place anywhere, from a mountainside to in a canoe, all around the world.
Still confused? Check out the Extreme Ironing Bureau’s FAQ section and I am sure that all of your questions will be answered and by that point you too will be ready to add the extreme sport to your list.