Starting today, we are teaming up with our friends over at the awesome Everywhere Magazine to bring you a weekly Postcard. Instead of spotlighting an image from the Gadling Flickr pool on Fridays, we’re going to highlight one from the pool of contributors’ photos (including you!) from Everywhere. Today’s image is from contributor Sloan Schang. He writes,
“I happened to be in San Francisco during a rare run of 90+ degree days. In this city where air conditioning is rarer than Republicans, a superheated weekday is almost the equivalent of a Midwestern snow day. Computer servers were crashing, commuter trains were backing up, and at least one man walked downtown streets muttering, ‘It’s too hot…too hot…we’re screwed.’ But at 4:00 on Friday afternoon, people poured from stuffy old office buildings and sweltering Victorian flats to revel in the breeze and views of city oases like this, the Mission District’s Dolores Park.”
If you’d like to submit an image to be considered for Gadling+Everywhere’s Postcard of the Week, please sign up for a free membership on Everywhere and start uploading! Every Friday, we’ll choose one to spotlight.