GeoEye-1 satellite takes its first photos for Google

The photo you see above, is the first shot taken by the new GeoEye-1 satellite. The image is of the university campus in Kutztown, PA. The reason this is so interesting? GeoEye has sold all the rights of their commercial images taken on this new satellite, to Google.

Google laid down some serious cash to get sole access to these images, and I’m sure we’ll be seeing the results of this contract pretty soon in Google Maps and Earth.

The satellite can photograph objects in a resolution higher than anything available to civilian users, and the photographs will be so clear that you’ll be able to identify objects as small as 41 centimeters across.

I’ve always found satellite image sites to be a fantastic way of seeing the world from above, but as these things get closer and closer, I’m sure we’ll think twice before stepping out on the balcony for some naked sunbathing.