The “Travel Test”: During and enduring it…

Travel Test: (noun) a trip that is taken fairly early in a relationship and designed to gauge the commitment level and compatibility of the two persons involved

Passing the Travel Test usually leads to a deeper relationship and greater trust. Failing the Travel Test signals the end of the relationship and often results in either one or both parties despising the other.

I could tell you plenty of nightmarish stories about Travel Tests I’ve administered that went sour fast and furiously. Aside from the torture I survived in Italy, there was another time in Costa Rica when I spent nearly the whole week taking care of my boyfriend who basically couldn’t digest anything on his plate — not even white rice. No matter how much you love someone, there’s a tipping point at which enough’s enough.So, the Travel Test has been administered. Before you two pull each other’s hair out, here are a few things you need to keep in mind while you’re on the road:

  • Immodium and rehydration salts: Even if you feel the slightest stomach ache, take an immodium. When things get bad, be sure to rehydrate! You certainly don’t want to end up like one of my friends did in rural Thailand, hooked up to an IV in a grass hut.
  • Money matters: Try to strike a happy balance with regard to who pays for accommodations, food, and other expenses. It’s actually best if each of you pay your own way, so you don’t have to fight about the bill later.
  • Make decisions together: Choose activities and restaurants that both of you can agree upon. It may be hard sometimes, but it’s important to keep each other happy as often as possible.
  • Make friends: I don’t care if it’s your honeymoon. You should still interact with other people if you’re traveling somewhere. You two will have plenty of alone time.
  • Get out: Don’t spend all time on the beach, by the pool, or in your hotel room. Be out and about and active!

Despite my own preference to be a solo traveler, when you’re with the right person the world is an even bigger and better place to explore.