National parks are wholly an American invention, but it is one thing that started here, that has gone on to spread around the globe. More than 130 countries now have taken action to protect certain areas within their borders to ensure that the natural resources there are protected for future generations to come. All told, there are now some 100,000 national parks in every corner of the planet.
National Parks Traveler, an excellent website dedicated to everything and anything that has to do with America’s national parks, recently made a post entitled “The World’s Top Ten National Parks” in which they share their five favorite international parks, while inviting us to help finish up the list by writing in with suggestions of our own.
The five parks that get the nod include Fiordland National Park in New Zealand, home of the Milford Track, Kruger National Park, South Africa, Tikal National Park, Guatemala, Kaieteur National Park, Guyana, and Machu Picchu Historic Sancutuary in Peru. Each of the parks comes with a description as to why it makes the list and links to find out even more information on them.
Given that those five comprise the first half of the list, what is National Parks Traveler missing from their top ten? Keep in mind that all suggestions must fall outside of the United States. What places have you visited that deserve to a place amongst the best national parks in the world?
My choice? Easy! Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. One of my favorite places on Earth.