Today’s photo of the day comes from Willy Volk at Lake Worth, Florida. So often when I’m browsing through Flickr, I’ll see a picture like this and exclaim, “why didn’t I think of this?!”
Clicking on the metadata to Willy’s picture shows he used the aperture priority mode (as explained by Karen Walrond) which gave him a shutter speed of 1/8th of a second. Just the right amount of time to blur the wave, making it look like it’s floating above the sand. He took another picture with a faster shutter speed here so you can see the difference.
As for the bottom right corner… Willy, is that your foot?
Nice shot! Karen also used this picture as an example of why you just might want to shoot some blurred pics.
Are you a Flickr user who’d like to share a travel related picture or two for our consideration? Submit it to Gadling’s Flickr group right now! We just might use it for our Photo of the Day!