Last Friday at Calgary International Airport (right), 22-year-old Florida student Samantha Hydes learned a new lesson: Northwest Airlines is a bunch of jerks Be on time.
Hydes arrived at 7:01 AM for her 8:00 AM flight home to Tallahassee and was unceremoniously denied. She had driven in from Banff. Guess she should have driven just a hair faster, not paused so long at stop signs, and walked faster from the car to the check-in.
Northwest Airlines does “recommend” that travelers arrive two hours in advance of international flights, but Hydes said there was no mention of the one-hour rule which left her stranded. The Northwest Airlines attendant told her the computer had “closed for booking.”
According to the Calgary Sun: “She eventually booked a flight departing five hours later with Delta Airlines, Northwest’s corporate cousin, shelling out $530 above the $750 round-trip fare she’d already paid. Of that sum, $150 was for a flight change fee, said Hydes.”
Okay. She was late. But not very. And nobody told her there was a one-hour rule. Airports do need time to process their passengers, especially international ones, so definitely take your airlines “recommendations” seriously.
As for Northwest Airlines in this particular case? We think that’s lame. We are suspicious that the gate attendant stood there typing “asdfjkl;” into the computer while the 7:00 turned to 7:01.