When Clear shut down last week, its 260,000 paying customers were left with 2 big questions – is my personal information safe, and what will happen to the money I spent on the program?
Verified Identity Pass Inc., the company behind the Clear service finally took some time to answer both questions, and one of the answers won’t please Clear customers:
Personal information is safe – all airport kiosks have been wiped clean, and Lockheed Martin (the IT provider for Clear) has started wiping all the databases containing Clear customer data. No customer data will ever be sold, and once the cleaning process is done, there will be no traces of personal information left.
The money people spent on the service is not so safe, as it is all gone. Clear will not be providing any refunds due to their financial situation. People who signed up for the service right before it collapsed can of course take the chargeback route, but customers with months left on a paid subscription are quite simply out of luck.