WiFi access with Gogo available on select United Airlines flights

As of today, United Airlines passengers on select p.s. flights from New York to San Francisco and Los Angeles will be able to access the Internet using the Gogo system.

Connecting to the service is simple, and can be done from any WiFi enabled device. The fee accessing the Internet is $7.95 for handheld devices and PDA’s, and $12.95 for laptop computers.

At the moment, the service is only available on one of the 757’s operating on the United p.s routes, but by November 6th, it’ll be on all 13 aircraft in the p.s. fleet.

We’ve taken the service for a spin several times, and it really is a fantastic way to kill some time in the sky. As of right now, there is no official announcement of a rollout to other planes in the United fleet. Still, it is refreshing to see United implement WiFi on their premium service flights, and I’m sure it’ll be very well received.

More information on the Gogo WiFi rollout on United p.s. can be found here.