Hope you’re enjoying all that Gadling has to offer today, from 24 Hours in Rio de Janeiro to How to create a flight attendant Halloween costume to my pride and joy, Tuesday Travel Trivia.
- Rolf Potts answers something I’ve often wondered about: How can I convince my friends to travel overseas?
- Brave New Traveler compares travel to India to going to boot camp.
- Bootsnall lists 15 of the best travel photo blogs, including one of my faves, Gary Arndt’s Everything Everywhere. Missing from the list: Jen Laceda’s gorgeous Folie à Deux.
- Check out friend-o’-Gadling David Farley’s inaugural post over at the New York Times‘ travel blog, in which he discusses Machu Picchu and other endangered tourist spots.
- Finally, it’s not exactly travel-related, but it’s pretty cool nonetheless. Take a look at some awesome photos of playgrounds from the ’70s.
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