Gadlinks for Tuesday, 11.3.09

Hope everyone’s enjoying what’s on Gadling today, from stinky Asian food to A Critical Mass Halloween in San Francisco to an informative post and gorgeous photo gallery about Auckland, New Zealand. Now here’s a look at what else is going on in the travel world today…

  • This video about frequent flyer mile hoarders has been making the rounds– it’s a peek into a small subculture I knew nothing about, and still don’t entirely understand.
  • Geography of Bliss author Eric Weiner explores the backpacker ghetto of Thamel, a district of Kathmandu in Nepal.
  • Over at Bootsnall, Eileen Smith details the ins-and-outs of wine tasting in South America. I’m not much of an oenophile myself, but when I tried the Carménère in Chile it made me want to be a better person.
  • Tyler Cowen points out that Yemen is running out of water, partly because half its water is used to cultivate qat, an addictive drug.
  • Speaking of water, Chris Blattman suggests that the days of seeing an African woman carry a bucket of water on her head might be over.

More Gadlinks here.