Mobile entertainment from FLO TV available today

About a month ago I wrote about a new mobile entertainment device called FLO TV. The technology behind FLO has been around for some time, and has been available to AT&T and Verizon Wireless subscribers. Starting today, you can also get your entertainment fix on the portable FLO TV personal television.

With mobile TV like this, you’ll be able to finally watch something decent when you are stuck at the airport, or use it to keep your kids entertained during those long road trips.

The 3.5″ screen delivers programming from over 15 channels, and the TV itself costs $249, which includes a 6 month subscription.

We’ll try and bring you a full review of this mobile entertainment device as soon as we can get our hands on a unit! If you don’t want to wait on a review, you can order FLO TV today from Amazon, or pick one up on store at your local Best Buy.