New Moon comes out in theaters tomorrow, and to capitalize on the excitement, Washington State is offering a New Moon themed package to one lucky winner as part of its “Experience More” giveaway. Each month from November to April, one grand prize and one mini-prize will be awarded.
The grand prize for November is two nights at the Quileute Oceanside Resort, located near La Push Beach (featured in the Twilight books), in a luxury oceanfront cabin with a Jacuzzi tub and fireplace. The package continues with one night at the Red Lion Hotel in Port Angeles, two Twilight Tour tickets, and a complimentary fire permit and bundle of wood for a fire on First Beach.
A second prize includes a night at the Red Lion in Port Angeles and a kayak excursion on the Olympic Peninsula. Other prizes offered over the next few months include adventures in Leavenworth, Seattle, and Yakima Valley’s wine country.
To enter, just fill out the online form by April 18, 2010. Entrants must be 18 years old and residents of the US or Canada.