Hey there, Gadling faithful. Here are a couple links to some interesting travel tidbits from around the web…
- At her blog Candice Does the World, Candice Walsh admits to visiting one of those all-inclusive resorts– and liking it! [HT: Vagablogging]
- Think of vagabonding writer Rolf Potts as a born world traveler? In a great piece called “How I Travel” over at BootsnAll, he writes that he didn’t get a passport until he was 25. More proof that it’s never too late.
- Marginal Revolution’s Tyler Cowen on some other ways to help Haiti. Elsewhere, he writes that Obama isn’t the “Health Care President” or the “Afghanistan President.” Now, he’s the “Haiti President.”
- Sure, Australia is the smallest continent, but that doesn’t mean it’s small.
- The fascinating story behind Moscow’s stray dogs.
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