Gadling’s Friday Travel Tunes – Episode 6

I’ve recently found myself in the midst of quite a few road trips, and nothing helps the miles go by like fantastic tunes. And beautiful scenery, of course. This week, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite jams to keep humming in the background while cruising around America’s finest scenic byways, and it just so happens that every single one of them relates directly to travel. Some might say a travel writer gravitates towards tunes such as these, but we’re chalking it up to a beautiful run-in with Ms. Serendipity.

Fire this up on your Android smartphone the next time you’re out and about on the open road, and see if any of these lyrics stir your soul, strike your fancy or just take you back. Wherever back may be. Just about everywhere is covered here, to multiple boroughs of New York City, to the fine lines of North Carolina, to the wild freeways of Germany, to the sweet tea-servin’ shacks of Georgia, to the ever-changing landscapes of California. And with that, we’ll see you on the pavement!