It may not look like much from the outside: a block building with the typical tropical scene painted on the side. But once you enter Daffy Doug’s you will wonder why you’ve never stopped there before.
At first you think this little building on US 1 at mile marker 50 in the Florida Keys is just a tourist trap like any other. While it does have souvenirs (at a surprisingly un-tourist-trap price), it is also a well-stocked grocery store and a dollar store with all your household essentials.
Just when you think you have seen it all, keep walking. The far side of the building is the fishing section with a larger array of rods, reels and tackle than the local tackle shop has.
The best part of Daffy Doug’s is that you never know what they will have available; their stock is ever changing.
When you go to Daffy Doug’s, buy a few gifts for the family back home, pick up the kitchen utensil you need but refuse to pay a premium price for, get a cold drink, wander the fishing section, but by all means, do not leave without buying a mango. At $1 a piece (like most things in this unusual dollar store) they are the best in the Keys.
Connie McBride is a contributor.