Since yesterday was National Trails Day I thought we might take a look at some of the best trails in North America. tallied over 10 million votes for the top trails and has a list that represents the most popular trails and outdoor destinations in North America. That got us a list. From there we went to Flickr for photos and searched the web for bloggers who had been there and done that. Here are three trails, three blogs and three adventures that were included in’s top ten and look like our kind of people.
Breakneck Ridge Trail– Beacon, NY
“Our first hike took us from the Breakneck Ridge Trail (conveniently next to the MTA train station of the same name) past Sunset Point, up to the summit of South Beacon Mountain and into Beacon, NY. Including our not-short walk through Beacon, NY, total time was 8 hours” records
Tom and Zoe are friends/computer nerds who live in New York City. In 2009 Tom donated his kidney to a stranger and Zoe “has a stupid heart that don’t work too good. Both of us are going to make it up to the top of Kilimanjaro this summer!”
Flickr photo by kimba
Glacier Gorge– Estes Park, CO
“Glacier Gorge, located in the Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, is one of many beautiful Colorado hiking areas. On the 9.6 mile hike, you will come across alpine lakes, cascading waterfalls and spectacular peak views. Much to the surprise of many, you also get to hike on the actual glacier, a rare event in the continental United States” says Rick Chapo in an article on the My Secret Passions blog.
Rocky Mountain National Park itself is a treasure for hikers and the subject of several blogs. One we check before heading that way, aptly called Rocky Mountain National Park Blog, offers on-the-scene background and weather information as well as trail conditions like in this recent entry “Currently there is 3 to 4 feet of snow above Rainbow Curve and wind with gusts up to 55 mph above Many Parks Curve. There is 2 inches of ice on the road between Many Parks Curve and Rainbow Curve. The snow and wind is supposed to continue through this evening at higher elevations. The sun aids in our efforts to clear Trail Ridge Road and we might not see it again until tomorrow morning sometime!”
Flickr photo by Anneh632
Appalachian Trail: The Pinnacle– Hamburg, PA
In a post about Top Hiking Locations, The Adventure Travels blog tells us “Located in Humberg, Pennsylvania, The Pinnacle trail is also a part of the Appalachian Mountains. The trail gives views of scenic mountains and rivers along the way. Not far from the Pinnacle Trail is the Hamburg Dam for a breathtaking view of mother nature and technology tied into one.
Weather can be mostly rainy and humid, which allows a more advanced hike for those who like the challenge of fighting the elements.”
Mount Whitney– Lone Pine, CA
Are you into hiking, camping, backpacking or other “I gotta have my feet on the ground” outdoor activities, travels and/or passions? Comment with a link to your blog, photos or stories and let the world know about it right here.