Is Horse Surfing The World’s Next Watersport?

Here at Gadling we always love researching new watersports. In April we looked at the high-powered sport of jet surfing, and last November we explored a wing that lets you fly underwater. Before that, it was SNUBA.

Now, an article on the surf website The Inertia has turned us on to a wacky new watersport being born out of England.

The sport?

Horse surfing.

In what is cheekily billed as a “completely green sport,” tandem duos of one horseback rider and one wakesurfer attach a tow rope to the back of a horse, which then takes off galloping down the length of a beach. Skimming their way through shallow water and launching over ankle-high waves, the riders and their one horsepower engine have been known to reach speeds of 25 mph.

What do you think? Olympic sport by 2024, or nothing more than a one-trick pony?