The government shutdown is officially happening, and various travel-related agencies are being affected, most notably National Parks. Air traffic controllers are still hard at work, but there’s no way Yosemite will be able to celebrate its 123rd birthday (although Google is trying hard).
As usual, people are responding to the shutdown and its affects on travel on Twitter.
Some are concerned about the international tourists:
If they actually shut down the Naitonal Parks, there are going to be a lot of angry German tourists loitering around the American West
– Peter Flax (@Pflax1) October 1, 2013
Some are hopeful that eventually things will get back to normal:
Why Yellowstone may be your best-ever winter break (as long as the #shutdown is over!) #nationalparks
– Budget Travel (@BudgetTravel) October 1, 2013
Others are thinking that this could provide uneducated travelers with a learning opportunity:
Tourists may not understand how the federal government works, but could find out now when it doesn’t.
– The Tribune (@WellandTribune) October 1, 2013
And beyond an opportunity, at least it will mean more leg room:
Government shutdown = no navy game, no coaches at practice, and no air force teams will travel. Just awesome.
– Zach Johnson (@j_zohnson) October 1, 2013
And then there are those who are just really excited for what the shutdown just might mean for them:
How will the government shutdown affect air travel? Will I get to run naked through security this weekend? OH or fly the airplane myself?!
– Jill Pittman (@Jill_Pittman) October 1, 2013
But wait, your pets can’t come with you??
Government #shutdown likely means you can’t travel abroad with your pet, as the agency that must sign your documents is closed.
– Dr. Jeremy Gransky (@AtHomeVet) October 1, 2013
Hold on, someone may have found a solution to said shutdown issue:
“The only way to solve this shutdown is for a group of rag-tag adventurers to travel the world & collect the 6 sacred stones to save us” -SC
– Parker (@MickeyGooner) October 1, 2013
And if you’re traveling soon, not to worry; you can still get a passport.
Our passport agencies remain open & operational. For more visit #travel #government shutdown.
– Travel – State Dept (@TravelGov) October 1, 2013
Most importantly though, let’s all take a moment to think about what this all means for space travel:
If the #shutdown teaches us anything, it’s that we can’t rely on anyone but ourselves for space travel. Elon Musk knows this. So should you.
– Wernher Von Braun (@DrVonBraun) October 1, 2013