MTV Show Ruining Laguna Beach Image

Those who cling tight and stay
loyal to their MTV programming have probably at one point or another paid homage to MTV studios in NYC, famous Real
World cities or Laguna Beach, CA in search of
the same kind of pop-culture, drunken, good-times so often seen in weekly episodes starring rich teens and lost
post-grads looking for a piece of…. mind. Yes, peace of mind. According to this USA Today article peace of mind is
exactly what the locals aren’t getting in Laguna Beach, California. It’s no secret once MTV decides to tape something in
your neck of the woods grafitti spraying skate boarding punks with a crew of  B-Boys and B-Girls are bound to
follow diminishing the wholesome image of the town.

Wait, I exaggerated there. That isn’t what the article
says, but it sounded good. For the most part the locals aren’t too chipper about the way their dear old city is being
portrayed. One Laguna natives states the show has ‘hijacked’ the identity of Laguna and that people are beginning to
feel violated. Apparently the area has a lot more culture, character and art that isn’t mention in the teen drama. Go

For the full scoop check out USA Today.