Prevent your liquids from spilling – Packing tip

Packing liquids in Ziploc bags doesn’t always cut it. It might protect everything else you packed from getting soaked if your shampoo leaks, but it won’t fix another problem: you need whatever might spill.

To stop leakiness in the first place, rip off small pieces from plastic shopping bags (the thinner supermarket kind work better than those from the mall) and stick them on top of each bottle before screwing the cap back on.

Your clothes and your liquid necessities are safe!

[Photo: Flickr | taberandrew]

Four tips for traveling with dogs – Road trip tips

Traveling with your beloved pooch often takes the same careful planning as hitting the road with young children. Utilize these tips to ensure a smooth ride:

  • Give your pup a thorough brushing before loading him into the car, greatly reducing the amount of flying fur.
  • Pack travel necessities for your road trip like water and a bowl, treats, paper towels, and cleanup bags.
  • Unless your dog requires specialty food, don’t try to squeeze a bag of food into your already packed car: stop and purchase a bag once you arrive.
  • Identify places to stop prior to leaving to assure your doggie can relieve himself and strech every few hours.

Bon voyage!

[Photo: Flickr | emdot]

Save on water – Hotel tip

Looking for a way to reduce your travel bill but still remain hydrated? You don’t have to buy the water bottles in the room for five to ten bucks apiece, or resort to the hotel’s bathroom tap.

Go check out the fitness center in your hotel first! Most fitness centers will have a water dispenser — use that to fill up your reusable bottle, and you’ll not only be assured that you are getting it from a reliable and uncontaminated source, you could save quite a load on your bill.

[Photo: Flickr | Jason Pratt]

Grapefruit seed extract may keep your stomach strong – Packing tip

Nothing can ruin your vacation faster than going dally-belly by eating something not cooked properly — or from bad water. The medicines doctors prescribe are sometimes too harsh for your body to take, leaving you exhausted. However, some people believe grapefruit seed extract drops are a powerhouse of natural killers to bacteria and parasites.

Use 5-10 drops of GSE to clean you toothbrush, thirty drops in a sink full of water to wash your fruits, veggies and meats, and 15-30 drops in the sink to wash your dishes and utensils. Also consider putting 3-6 drops in every five-ounce-serving of juice or water three times a day to keep your stomach and intestines clean.

[Photo: Flickr | Dan Zen]