Photo of the Day (1/27/07)

I’ve never been in a rush to find a knight in shining armor to rescue me from my free-spirited ways of globe trekking to entrap me in a kitchen to cook salmon croquettes and rice pilaf, but this smiling bride on her wedding day and her absolutely contagious smile makes me think differently. Perhaps conjuring tasty dinners for the hubby every night isn’t so bad and just maybe I won’t have to give up my days of traversing the globe.

Ah, but yes, this isn’t about me and my sad romantic tales or what not. This is about the beautiful woman to my right named Thushita. Photographed by E-R-G-O on her wedding day in Sri Lanka he notes that a wedding photographer asked why he wasn’t using a flash to get rid of the shadows. He says… “I wanted a bit of the real world and that has shadows.”

Shadow or no shadow the joy spread across her face is a bursting ray of light. Congrats to the glowing bride and glad to see E-R-G-O placing these jewels in the Gadling Flickr pool.

Photo of the Day (9/2/06)

Looking at a photo like this one might imagine that the large group of villagers dressed in their everyday attire have come together to watch a wrestling match or two goats brutally head-butt each other, but in this case both guesses would be so wrong. This shot of on-lookers was captured by teokaye at a Tajik wedding. The children look on so intensely it really makes you wonder. He notes that 85% of everyone doesn’t participate and isn’t even invited at most Tajik village weddings. In Tajik culture it’s pretty much a given that they’ll show up. Only family and friends dance. Now that’s how you crash a wedding party!

Honeymoon Destinations on Modern Bride

Are you planning any imminent nuptuals? … hey, isn’t that a strange word, nuptuals? Sounds like a body part you might aim for in a fight … anyway, um, where was I? Oh yeah. If you’re planning a wedding, or more specifically, a honeymoon, you might be interested in the top fifty honeymoon destinations guide at Modern Bride.

The August-September issue has some recs for you and says that, if you’re looking for affordability, Mexico is the best place to go. They break the list out further, with Costa Rica as the hot spot for food and culture; Italy for night life; Vegas for seclusion (really?); and Fiji for beach-going. And if you’ve got a winter wedding planned you might consider hitting the slopes in Colorado. And if your spouse is giving you a hard time, and you regret the whole thing, why, you can just kick him in the nuptuals.