Bill of Rights Travel Gear

Let’s imagine – you’re at airport security waiting in one of the most horrific lines ever. Your turn finally comes and you’ve done everything they’ve asked for and more: laptop out of case (separate bin), cell phone out, belt off, shoes off, hat off, jacket off and undergarments off (kidding). You go through the metal detector, the lights flash red, the sirens alarm and now you must be searched. Did I miss something? Oh yes – the Bill of Rights. How clever is this for a piece of travel gear?

Created by Dean Cameron as a sort of political art tantrum the Bill of Rights – Security Edition is a single sturdy metal card, 2.5 inches across by 3.5 inches high (playing card size) with the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution printed on each side. (For quick reference Amendment #4 is highlighted in red.) So as you tip off the detectors, TSA searches you and “takes your rights” from you, you’ll need to decide “how much freedom are you willing to give up for safety?” If the thought of being bold and challenging our nation’s security worries you some, but you still wish to be heard, Security Edition has also created Fourth Amendment dog tags, key chains, and luggage tags. Not quite as in your face as the full Bill of Rights, but food for thought none-the-less.

Cheap and very, very cool – those luggage tags could well be in aid in getting your baggage back untouched.