Today is Bob Marley Day. Marley, born February 6, 1945 is the musical genius who put Jamaica and reggae in range of the world’s radar. Starting today through Sunday, there are various festivals and celebrations occuring around the globe as a way to honor Marley and enjoy his music. Here’s a link that lists several events. Five of them are in the United States. The United Kingdom, Finland and Russia are among the others.
When I lived in The Gambia, I remember dancing to “Three Little Birds” one night at a tourist hotel in Fajara. It was a real sanity saver. Difficulties and upset fell away with each note and word. As you’re heading towards the weekend, stand up, close your eyes, listen and move. Except, if you close your eyes, you will miss this charming animated video where Brazilian singer Gilberto Gil and Marley sing the song in a duet. In that case, play this twice–once to watch the video. The second time, close your eyes.