Inspired by a short story by Mark Twain, the Calaveras County Fair has hosted the annual Jumping Frog Jubilee each year since 1928. However, Fair organizers claim that low turnout during last year’s fair means they can’t pay the Angels Camp Boosters Club — which has judged the jubilee since its inception — to oversee this year’s contest. Naturally, this has made the Club hopping mad. Rather than judge for free, the Club has decided to organize it own jumping frog contest.
Consequently, Calaveras County will host dueling frog-jumping events this year, during the week of May 16-20. Though the Club hasn’t announced entrance details about its contest, if you’re interested in entering your jumper in the Fair’s contest, the owner of the winning frog grabs a $750 prize. If your frog breaks the record set by Rosie the Ribeter in 1986, you get $5000. Guess how far Rosie jumped that year?
21 feet, 5¾ inches!