CNN Explains Why Sex Is Better In Hotels

When a CNN writer published a piece on CNN Travel on why hotel sex is better, editors later went into the piece and changed her name and removed her picture. And that makes perfect sense to me -– sex lives, including where they flourish, are usually classified as private information. But talking about sex publicly can make for good advice, or at least a decent read.

With a pen name for a byline, the author’s list of reasons why sex is better in hotels is good. As a regular traveler, I agree with the romantic novelty the author places on hotels. Bland as they can be, they’re not home. Her reasons why hotel sex is better include the ability to engage in wild(er) sex, get a better night’s sleep, enjoy a “dignified” breakfast in the morning, eye sexy strangers in the lobby while working, and not feel obligated to engage in the domestic volleying that often overwhelms the atmosphere of a home. Read the full story here.

When NOT to book travel online

Over the past 15 years or so, the Internet has managed to pervade every part of our lives. These days we use it to stay in touch with friends and family, pay bills, watch television, and a whole lot more. Of course, travelers were amongst the first to see benefits from the Internet, and now days it has become common practice to track, compare, and purchase airfares online. But the benefits to travelers have gone well beyond that, as it’s now simple to book hotels or even entire vacations, without ever speaking to an actual person.

But is this approach the best way to make your travel plans? According to CNN Travel, not always. In fact, they’ve come up with a list of 7 trips you should never book online, suggesting instead that, at least in these cases, you should consult with a travel agent rather than making the plans yourself. They argue that it is too easy to get duped on the web and hidden fees can end up costing you more in the long run anyway. A cautionary tale of a couple’s disastrous honeymoon, completely booked online, is used to illustrate these points.

And what are these seven trips you should avoid using the Internet to book? The list includes cruises, around-the-world trips, international travel, exotic journeys, like a safari or trekking expedition, or when you’re traveling for a special occasion, such as an anniversary or honeymoon. They also say that you should avoid using the Internet when you lack the time to do the proper planning yourself or if you are uncomfortable with using technology or navigating online in general.

So, what do you think? Are there times when it’s still not prudent to use the Internet to plan your travels? Ever had any horror stories from booking online? Personally, I’ve had very good luck with using the Internet as a tool to not only research destinations, but also make all my plans, connect with fellow travelers, and purchase airfares and hire guide services. At this point, I can’t imagine doing it any other way. That said, I can still see the benefit of using a travel agent under certain circumstances.%Gallery-67351%

Photo essay of Blue Highways and what’s changed over the years

Haunting, thought provoking and gorgeous are some of the adjectives that come to mind when looking through the photographs of Ed Alior at CNNTravel. Alior has retraced the route that William Least Heat-Moon made famous when he traveled along the back roads of the U.S. and wrote about it in his book “Blue Highways.” Alior’s photographs attest to how things can change over the years and what has remained the same.

Along with presenting ten of Alior’s lush photographs of back-road scenery, CNN’s feature, “Back-road adventurer on America’s ‘Blue Highways'” includes an interview with Heat-Moon.

In the interview, Heat-Moon talks about how he has seen the U.S. back-roads’ landscape change over the years, both for the good and the bad. There’s a tone of melancholy for what has changed–most noticeably the Mom and Pop establishments that have given way to hard times or the competition of chain restaurants.

Heat-Moon has also noticed the sprawl of cities into suburbia and on out into rural areas. As he puts it, a “‘quarter of a century ago, towns that still had limits — discernible edges — now can look like they’re getting swallowed by an inoperable cancer. . .'”

The repercussions, he feels, have altered the genuineness of place and that we haven’t done much as a country to see what all this sprawl has cost us. On the other hand, he does point out positive change. It’s change that is heart-warming.

As Heat-Moon traveled in the last ten years, he’s noticed that there’s more racial harmony and the racial slurs he used to hear pepper conversations are not being said.

Read the rest of the interview here. I was particularly interested in his take on how travel has been altered. One thing Heat-Moon has found, if you’re looking for a cheap place to stay off the beaten path these days, lots of luck.

Thanks to Jaunted for pointing me in the direction of this read.