Conde Nast Contest

Oooh…I love easy contests. The only problem with them is that if they’re too easy, lots of people will enter them, and my chances of winning go down. Oh well.

To celebrate their 20th Anniversary, Conde Nast is sponsoring one of those easy contests. All you have to do is upload a photo that captures a “memorable travel moment” and include a brief explanation of why it’s memorable. (I told you it was easy!) Once you submit an image, it becomes part of an online gallery, on which other people may comment and vote. (Let us know if you add an image, and we’ll head over and vote for you. It’s not against the rules!)

The grand prize is a $20,000 dream trip to anywhere on earth! However, each day the contest is open, a winner will be selected to win another, smaller — but still great — prize. The contest runs until April 22, which gives you plenty of time to read the rules and upload several images. Good luck!

Conde Nast's Hot List

I know you:  you’re a
trendsetter.  You’re not likely to go to the hotels everyone’s been to — you’re cutting-edge.  You want to
go to the ones no-one’s heard of… yet.  Early Adopter, that’s what they call you.

Well, lucky for
you, Conde Nast Traveler has just published their Hot List
, featuring the top 130 hotels in the world for 2006.  According to the site, Conde Nast travelers
journeyed incognito all over the world, testing the service and quality of hotels everywhere, to come up with this list
of superior service providers.  If you’re traveling anywhere in the world this year, be sure to check it out — and
for the frugal-minded, don’t miss the best ones under
US$200 per night
.  Definitely worth bookmarking for future reference.