We’ve covered the flash sale market extensively here on Gadling, suggesting that, within reason, these “members only” sites are an ideal way to help assist in your research. But with up to 20 sites offering travel deals, it’s often hard to remember which site is offering which deal – let alone navigate the piles in your inbox.
New site EveryLodge aims to cut through the clutter with a flash sale aggregation tool for the travel market. The company hasn’t partnered with any of the sites specifically, and says they aren’t violating terms of service as they’re not “scraping” these websites but rather just telling the public about the sales. However, this does mean that it may limit the total number of sites being featured – they admit that there is one unnamed site that hasn’t been included due to terms of service concerns.
EveryLodge is also promising an analysis of flash sale pricing models and trends as new sites launch.
What do you think – will you use the site?