Spirit Airlines Return of the Mullet Sale

How all these Spirit Air promotions found their way into my email, I haven’t a clue, but I can tell you the only reason I haven’t removed myself from their mailing list – they’re promotions crack me up! Perhaps, I’ve got a childish sense of humor, but when I saw the Return of the Mullet sale happening, I had to laugh. Someone please tell me what mullets have to do with scoring discount fares? In their cheesy little promo they claim to place business class travelers in the front and the rest of us with the party in the back, much to the likes of a real mullet hair style. Gnarly isn’t it? Well, whether you have a mullet or not or decide to get one on a drunk night in the Dominican Republic check out their low-low fare sale happening right NOW! Their big mullets in paradise, crazy sale ends tomorrow night at 11:59 PM EST and if you’re quick you’ll land a cheap seat. If you’re slow then I guess you won’t go.

I could list a small sampling of what the fares are looking like, but there’s too many to name and you know who you are, where you need to go and how you plan on getting there. Let me say this though: I’ve never flown with Spirit, but I’m told their ridiculously low prices are real.

Where to Go With A Fro’ In Tokyo?

Okay, I’ve ranted about being culturally sensitive on hair and being invisible in foreign places; all of which I think anyone can relate to on one level or another. Well, when I read this Washingto Post piece I had that same feeling that anyone could relate to the author’s troubles finding a good barber in Japan. From the sound of things Wayne Lionel Aponte has hair a lot like myself, slightly kinky, sort of curly, and an overall texture that not just anyone can deal with. Sure, it’s only hair and while it may very well grow back you still don’t want to be walking around Tokyo streets with a wacked hair do. I can OVER relate to that. I had the same troubles and feeling when I wanted my hair cut and that was only in Simi Valley, CA. Anyhow, things turn out well for the author, who gets his overgrown hair neatly cut and sets up another appointment before bowing with the barber and bidding farewell or sayonara!

Cute short read.