When a CNN writer published a piece on CNN Travel on why hotel sex is better, editors later went into the piece and changed her name and removed her picture. And that makes perfect sense to me -– sex lives, including where they flourish, are usually classified as private information. But talking about sex publicly can make for good advice, or at least a decent read.
With a pen name for a byline, the author’s list of reasons why sex is better in hotels is good. As a regular traveler, I agree with the romantic novelty the author places on hotels. Bland as they can be, they’re not home. Her reasons why hotel sex is better include the ability to engage in wild(er) sex, get a better night’s sleep, enjoy a “dignified” breakfast in the morning, eye sexy strangers in the lobby while working, and not feel obligated to engage in the domestic volleying that often overwhelms the atmosphere of a home. Read the full story here.