Photo of the Day (4.13.10)

This is what travel photography is all about. If I decided to omit any sort of caption from this image, you’d probably still be able to guess quite a few things about where it’s taken and what’s happening in the picture.

But since it’s not my job to make you guess, I’ll reveal that this is a shot taken near the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. It was captured by Flickr user and regular contributor Ohad*, who describes that this man was seemingly overwhelmed from the emotional experience at the wall. Kudos to Ohad for snapping such an intimate picture in a place like this – certainly something that many people wouldn’t have the courage to do.

If you’ve captured an emotional moment in your travels, we want to see it! Submit it to the Gadling Flickr Pool and share it with us – it might just be our next Photo of the Day!

Photo of the day (4/2/09)

On this day in 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon arrived in Florida. Nearly 500 years later, the view has certainly changed. This long exposure shot by ohad* is a good example of the transformation. The reflections on the water and the illuminated sky make for a nice effect. I’m sure this shot was taken from a solid platform to get the long exposure. A dock perhaps?

It’s been a while since we’ve featured a shot by ohad*, a prolific contributor to Gadling’s Flickr photo pool. Here’s hoping we see some more.

Are you a Flickr user who’d like to share a travel related picture or two for our consideration? Submit it to Gadling’s Flickr group right now! We just might use it for our Photo of the Day!

Photo of the Day (7/21/07)

Neighborhood shots are some of the best! This one of a local grocery store is located in Vancouver’s West End neighborhood on Barclay Street. Ohad* is the photographer behind this particular shot and in his notes he states that a skunk almost got in the way of this well-lit scene. Now that is pretty random.