360Cities: Panos of Some of the World’s Coolest Places

360Cities provides panoramic tours of several of the world’s major cities. Mashed with Google Earth for easy searching, the site features panoramas of restaurants, landmarks, hotels, bars, shops, places for rent, and more. Currently, 360Cities currently features the following destinations:

  • Prague
  • Moscow
  • Venice
  • Vienna
  • LA
  • Belgrade
  • and Syria (I know it’s not a city)

However, they’re adding more cities regularly. Personally, I’d like to see more detailed descriptions about the locations profiled in each city. I imagine that’s coming. In the meantime, the site is a cool way to explore a city before visiting.

[Via Neatorama]

WTC Pano

Keeping with the fifth anniversary of 9/11 theme, here’s a very nice panorama of the hole at Ground Zero that really conveys both the size of the space as well as the rather sad barrenness of it. I’ll be keeping an eye out to see if anyone posts anything having to do with the ceremony today or the lights tonight.

Last Day WWP

I posted a few days ago about the
beginning of the World Wide Pano project, one
of my favorite panoramic photography events of the year…of which there are some four….one each equinox and
solstice. Well today is the last day to shoot ffor the event. So if you want to participate and haven’t got out there
yet, well, go.

Each event has a particular theme, which can be interpreted by photographers however they
wish. This year’s theme is Borders. I’ve got my own pano shot and am building it now, and I’m rather giddily excited to
see what others come up with. Needless to say,  if I’d really had a nice travel budget I could have done a whole
assortment of cool things, but being that I work a full time job, well, t’wasn’t in the cards.

Anyway, this
is an immensely cool project and I hope you check it out, if not contribute. I’ll post again when the current theme
goes live with all the new photos from around the world.