Man arrested for snapping women’s bottoms in Venice

Venice has been ultra-progressive lately, especially when it comes to quality of life issues. Not only did they finally prohibit pigeon-feeding, but they have also just caught the mysterious serial female butt snapper, who has been walking behind women in Venice in a hooded shirt, taking photos through a small hole in the side of the bag.

He doesn’t seem like your typical bottom snapper, mind you. This man has been doing this for two years and has accomplished to take more than 3,000 pictures of the various bottoms of female tourists in Venice.

The man was stopped after police became suspicious of a large bag he was carrying as he followed women through St Mark’s Square. He has been charged with infringement of privacy, BBC reports. It is a cheeky crime, which could earn this 38-year-old Italian (married, with two kids, by the way) from six months to four years in jail.

This guy should have really gotten together with the serial bottom-pincher, who is currently on the run in the UK. What a team of superheroes those two could form!

Los Angeles Gallery Featuring the Works of … Dennis Hopper

And you thought
Dennis Hopper was only known for acting, easy riding, and epic drug use:  turns out, he’s an artist as well. 
The Telegraph is reporting
that Dennis Hopper’s work is currently on exhibit at the Ace Gallery, in Los Angeles.  The work includes Hopper’s
photography and paintings — examples of hobbies which he has enjoyed, apparently, since he was 9 years old.

"I was always into art," says Hopper. "Being an actor, I had the time. It’s all part of the same
sensibility. I cannot imagine an artist who doesn’t want to be involved in the arts, and I think of acting as an

His work is apparently appeals to collectors as well — according to The Times, during opening night at the
gallery, "Mr. Hopper sold five billboards, making $1 million (£575,500) in a few hours."

exhibit continues through July 1st.