Get sports, news, entertainment and more on your phone with Lexy

Getting access to the latest news, sports scores and other information on your phone is nothing new – many of us have been traveling with a browser enabled phone for years. But what if you are not equipped with the latest and greatest smartphone, or you just want to catch up on your favorite team when running through the airport on your way to your next flight?

is a new service that aims to deliver just that – instead of sending you online, Lexy provides news the old fashioned way – spoken.

To get Lexy, you simply dial 877-FYI LEXY and follow the voice prompts. Once you find your way around, you can customize the service by creating your own “LexyList” containing your favorite channels.

I took the service for a spin, and was amazed at the variety of content. Channels come from over 100 different providers, including popular choices like the Onion, CNN, NPR and CNet.

Think of Lexy as Podcasts on your phone, without the need for a data connection or pricey phone. Best of all, Lexy is free.