Learn How to be a Traveling Webmaster

Roadjunky Guides really work hard at trying to help you work a little less. Not that they’re lazy vagabonds or anything of the sort, but if they can help find ways for you to assume the position as one then so be it. No, but seriously we’ve all thought about throwing in the towel on our place of employment to replace it with a lighter work load that even allows one to travel. Don’t try lying to say that you haven’t because I’ll never believe you. What I believe doesn’t matter. It’s about what I know and I tell you this, their step-by-step info on how to be a traveling webmaster could be your tutorial and ticket to Tonga, Thailand or Tanzania. I’ve always thought with a little extra time and dedication I could tighten up some of my own web design and related skills and each day I try though my progress is still too slow to ditch all my real gigs for life on the easy road. Should you have some time to spare and have considered delving into the world of web design, but haven’t a clue where to start, I’m telling you to start here. They’re going to put you to more sources to help you out, but they break it down to the basics much like About.com with some extra added flair!

The November 3rd Photo Project

Some folks might call Deia Schlosberg over at RoadJunky the nosey type – always poking and prodding where you shouldn’t, always placing the lens in the public’s face and you know where I’m going. Deia could be considered nosey to the extreme, but I wouldn’t say that. I’d say she’s a curious soul and now with your help and photos you can become part of a pretty awesome curious soul’s project. On November 3rd (a day that means nothing to mostly everybody and was chosen for no good reason) she asking that people from all over the world take at least 10 photos of what your day was like, what you see and experience. There must be one self-portrait and the photos don’t have to be great, which goes to say your self-portrait doesn’t have to be great or even close to good. The photos must all be a true representation of what your day was like and must all be taken on November 3, 2006. Captions should note the time and thoughts.

I don’t know where your pictures may possibly land, but I smell coffee brewing with some delicious pastry set out on the coffee table. Don’t you?

I’m game. Head over to RoadJunky for full details.