Cruise lines give back: Study to help protect coral reefs

Understanding how the world’s oceans are being affected by changes in climate is a global scientific priority. Now, in another example of how cruise lines give back, Royal Caribbean has joined with the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI), the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation and the Image Group to establish a unique reference site where the relationships between climate change and coral reef stress can be measured directly.

“The study is setting out to determine the exact effect of rising temperatures and sea levels have on the stress coral reefs experience and if it is beyond sustainability” reports the Royal Caribbean blog, an unofficial fan blog written for other fans of the Royal Caribbean International Cruise Line.

Royal Caribbean’s Ocean Fund was started in 1996 to support marine conservation organizations in conserving the world’s oceans. Ocean Fund grants are made annually to a variety of nonprofit groups and institutions conducting activities directly related to marine conservation.

“The hope is that the data collected will give scientists a better idea of the immediate effects of changes on the coral reefs as well as help reef managers understand these threats so that they can more effectively conserve coral reefs and their associated flora and fauna” says

Organizations seeking grant funding from the Ocean Fund are welcome to email the throughout the year to introduce their organization, mission, programs and potential projects relevant to the mission of the Ocean Fund.

Flickr photo by USFWS Pacific