Video: ‘Somewhere’ Time-Lapse Video

Somewhere” from miadox on Vimeo.

“Somewhere” is the first installment of a time-lapse video series. Covering both natural beauty and man-made wonders, “Somewhere” is a fantastic start for an ongoing project. If the rest of the videos in this upcoming series are anything like this time-lapse, then we all have worthwhile time wasting via film-watching to look forward to in the near future. Created by Miadox, this video features stunning images – the kind that make you tear up a little bit at your desk and think positive thoughts about what a beautiful place planet Earth is. Crashing waves, skylines, sunsets, gigantic machinery, racing clouds, headlights and sparkling stars all make appearances in this juxtaposition-centered video. Enjoy Earth.

Video Of The Day: Night Skies Over Norway

I stumbled across this beautiful time-lapse video on Vimeo entitled, “Night Skies Over Norway.” The work features the night skies and general nighttime happenings over Southern Norway. I found this video to be immediately captivating. The moving images of the dark sky and the subtle hints of life that make appearances throughout the night in this video are completed by simple and tasteful music by the filmmaker, Svenn Dvergastein. These shots were taken during January 2012. If you visit, keep this fun fact in mind: you’re allowed to camp anywhere you want in Norway, public or private property, so long as you’re not in view of a home. Challenge yourself to a camping/backpacking trip in Norway and see this gorgeous night sky for yourself.

Get to know Belarus through the art of motion timelapse

This timelapse video, One Day in Life, was created by professional photographer and Minsk native, Artem Sergeevich. It shows the country of Belarus in a way that will put any negative eastern Europe stereotypes out of your head and have you booking a one-way plane ticket there. Vibrant colors wash over a mix of countrysides and cityscapes, making the factories look just as beautiful and exciting as the lakes and fountains. It isn’t easy to capture images like these, and Sergeevich used a range of different cameras, some of which included a Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 60D, Tokina 11-16mm, and a Sigma 14mm, among others.
To see more videos by Artem Sergeevich, click here.

A miniature city from up on high

From high above the city, jusojin captured this time-lapse AND tilt-shift video that miniaturizes the bustling city of Osaka, Japan. Trivializing every aspect of the Osaka hustle provides a toyish cityscape where people are reduced to ants and cars look like turbocharged micro machines in a lavish play-set.

Jusojin shot the video from the roof of the Umeda Sky Building – a two towered structure that boasts a sky garden called the “Floating Garden Observatory,” and an underground market designed to resemble the Osaka of a century ago. With modernity clashing with old school Japan in such a cool location, the 40 floor skyscraper is a must visit in Osaka.

Time Lapse (Umeda Sky Building2011) HD from jusojin on Vimeo.

Video: Milky Way from the plains

Plains Milky Way from Randy Halverson on Vimeo,

I’m a sucker for a beautiful time-lapse video. Advancing technology has made the time-lapse approach to film-making accessible to more people. And as these visually-minded people try to hone their skills with the camera, Randy Halverson might as well consider his skills honed–as far as I’m concerned. This time-lapse video by Halverson features the Milky Way from South Dakota. Halverson spent the month of May putting this beauty together.

There’s something about the way a time-lapse video helps us to see things from around the world. There’s something spectacular about it, if it’s done right. Do you have any stellar time-lapse videos you’d recommend we see and perhaps publish on Gadling? Please let us know in the comments on this post if so.