Few people inspire me to envy, but there are those intrepid adventurers that are so obviously on another level, that I have to bow down in awe. This week’s travel spotlight is on Matt Harding of Where the Hell is Matt? I’ve been following his blog for almost two years, the highs, the lows and the hilarity in between. He’s been around the world and then some. From Africa to Antarctica, he’s been there, done that, and lived to tell the tale. If you haven’t seen his video “Dancing“, then get thee to YouTube, quick.
Matt’s passion for the people and places of the world, zest for life, and self-deprecating humor make for an entertaining travelogue and have garnered him a cult following on the web. Indeed there are now “response videos” wherein fans around the globe have posted videos in the “Dancing” format, celebrating their own travels from Qatar to their kitchens, and the phenomena doesn’t seem to be dying down. If this doesn’t put a smile on your face then your heart is a cold, hard, nugget indeed. And if you are easily persuaded and highly susceptible to outside influence, you might not want to check out “Dancing” or Matt’s Blog with a credit card nearby. Don’t blame us if you find yourself on the road with a video camera and a catchy tune of your own.
*update: oooh! An interview with Matt.