Blessed are the Cheese Makers: Touring Vermont’s Cheese Trail

I like cheese. I like it a lot. I like how it can smell like dirty socks yet fill your mouth with such an aroma of tastiness that you must close your eyes in sheer ecstasy and relish in the flavors as they wash over you.

And so, it was with great pleasure that I recently came across a great article in New York Magazine detailing the great artisan cheese makers of Vermont and how one can indulge in their fine craftsmanship while tooling the back roads and dairy farms of the great cheese state.

In typical New York Magazine fashion, the article guides the reader through their patented Five-Point Weekend Escape Plan: Where to stay, where to eat, what to do, insider’s tip, and an oddball day.

Sadly, because of the geography and climate required to make good cheese, wineries are never nearby. And thus, wine tours and cheese tours run parallel paths, never to intersect. Ice cream, however, is another story altogether. Just don’t ask me to mix my Ben & Jerry’s with my camembert.