Gadling TAKE FIVE: Week June 21–June 27

With stock prices plummeting, the Midwest flooding, and all other difficulties in the world, I looked over the Gadling posts this week for the cheery and creative stuff.

  • George Carlin’s death wasn’t cheery news, but Aaron’s post made me laugh. He recounted one of George Carlin’s routines, “A Place for My Stuff.” That’s cheery and creative.
  • Kelsey told us that if your car breaks down on a highway in Mexico, the Green Angels will come to save you. This is cheery news to know.
  • If you don’t have the money to travel around the world, Jeremy suggested The Brickskeller in Washington, D.C. Here you can drink your way around the world. That’s one creative way to experience an aspect of various countries from the comfort of a bar stool.
  • When it comes to that perfect signature piece of furniture, Anna pointed out airplane drink trolleys. They have been jazzed up for the home. Heather was cheered by that news, and they certainly are creative.
  • And Abha wrote about “Buns and Guns” an eatery in Lebanon that, if nothing else, is creative.

But, the most cheery of all is Matt Harding’s video “Dancing 2008.” If you haven’t seen it, you are missing out. I’ve watched it at least eight times.

Here’s hoping you have a cheery weekend and that you find something creative to do.

A Summer project to celebrate where you live

Using Matt Harding’s concept of dancing as a way to unify the world in his “Where the Hell is Matt?” videos, Jeff Hoskinson highlighted his home state, Iowa in a spoof of sorts.

He kind of looks like Matt, but he’s not Matt. Matt does appear in the video in the “Inspiration” by section. There is a handy reference guide in the YouTube description that lists everywhere featured in the video. As Hoskingson states, this was one way to have a reason to head to all the places he’s heard about since he was a kid.

If you can’t make it to EVERYWHERE in a state or a country, why not just pick your county or province? How about just your city, village or town? Pick a neat song and go for it. All you need is a camera and a person to film you. It’s doable. I’m not doing it yet–but you go for it and let me know if you’ve posted the results on YouTube. I’m enamored with the idea. Whatever you do, just keep dancing.

One thing this video does make me cognizant of is Iowa’s flooding problems. I wonder which of these sites were affected and wish the good folks in Iowa well.

Matt Harding is dancing again: This time, the world dances too

Matt Harding, as in “Where the Hell is Matt,” –the guy who dances around the world, has found the answer to world peace. Don’t believe me? Just watch his video, Dancing 2008 and you’ll be smiling in a few seconds. Halfway through, you’ll feel like dancing yourself. The song “Praan” is perfect.

As Matt dances his way around the world through 42 different countries, people join him. Along the way there are laugh-out-loud surprises and joy. (To see the high quality version, click on the video. It will take you to the YouTube site. Click on “watch in high quality” under the video–or go here for the video via Matt’s Web site.)

What a great way to travel. Matt, you’re brilliant.