Customer service representatives are supposed to give you service with a smile. Unfortunately, for a number of JetBlue fliers, that corporate grin had a little bit of deception behind it.
A Manhattan District Attorney discovered that four JetBlue representatives and a New York City corrections officer were involved in a credit card scheme that defrauded JetBlue customers. The criminal group stole credit and debit cards accidentally left at a JFK Airport JetBlue customer service desk by hurried passengers. The party used these accounts to purchase liquor, gifts, and lingerie. You know, I always suspected that airlines were ripping me off, but I just thought it was related to ticket prices.
Authorities arrested the five perpetrators, and JetBlue suspended the employees. I guess the moral of the story is “Don’t push the agents at the customer service desk.”
I’d like to note — for those playing at home — that JetBlue had nothing whatsoever to do with the credit card fraud. The company is too busy delaying flights for them to focus on such petty disturbances. Again, that’s just another joke.