Touring San Francisco, Little Yellow Car Style

What, you’re probably wondering, are the people on the right driving? Well, they aren’t
clowns racing in small cars through San Francisco. Instead, a couple of guys living in the aforementioned city put
their creative minds together to form GoCar Rentals. This company,
which Time just called one of the “coolest inventions of the year”, rents
small yellow, three-wheeled vehicles equipped with GPS and audio tour directions.

Drivers pick up a GoCar at Fisherman’s Wharf and follow a pre-determined route which takes them through the major
sites of the City By the Bay. As the route is followed over the course of two hours or so, GPS based voice navigation
tells the driver where to turn as well as providing information about the site being visited. Drivers can also go off
course, parking for lunch somewhere, and resume their tour later.

GoCars are licensed for street use, but those trying to cross the Golden Gate are out of luck: the little yellow
machines are not rated for highways or bridges and get a top speed of only 35 mph.