Supermarkets, Hypermarkets, Grocery Stores Galore!

When thinking about a food piece to blog about tonight I decided to skip out on the old boring
restaurant avenue. The path is far too beaten with too many choices in cities I’m no where
near. (Am I a little angry? No.) Food thrills me and so does dining out, but when I started to think back on some
of the times where I was most excited about foods in a different and new environments, the grocery store came to
mind.  Going to the grocery store on my trips outside the country and even inside have been trips within
themselves. Searching for the right toothpaste or tomato paste suddenly gives me giggles as I look at all the
unfamiliar packages. Trying to make sense of the labels and find something similar to what I use at home becomes even
more challenging, but a tasty adventure. My stories on groceries stores from Piggly Wiggly in the American south
to somebody’s small mercado in Madrid are endless. So I’ll pass.

Here is a piece from a site completely devoted to expats residing in Jakarta, Indonesia on
Supermarkets and Hypermarkets. They go over how the produce
is taken care of, imported goods, and a mini history of supermarkets in Indonesia. Additional links on the site include
restaurants in the area, a housing forum, and doing business in the area. Fun to browse if you’ve got nothing to do or
like groceries stores as much as I do.