Now here’s a classic film set to check out. Malta’s Sweethaven Village
better known as ‘Popeye Village’ for its filming of the 1980 musical production starring Robin Williams and Shelley
Duvall is one of the only sets created on the island that has stood its ground. Other film sets like ‘Troy’
and ‘Gladiator’ which were also shot in Malta were struck as soon as production wrapped. What used to be an
old dump for anchors back in the day has remained an enchanting, somewhat out of place fishing village constructed
from tons of Canadian lumber, an idea film director, Robert Altman had when selecting locations.
A trip to the village has a ton to offer. Fans of the film will naturally be drawn to the set and souvenir shops,
but don’t pass this one over as a cheesy tourist trap. Check out team-building activities such as bridge building, raft
building, treks, treasure hunts, and abseiling (for the adrenaline rush). I’d go just for the spinach.
Also, check out the Pittsburg Post-Gazette which turns its
attention to Malta in today’s Sunday edition.