Word for the Travel Wise (04/27/06)

It’s coming… The World Cup that is and it’s time to start prepping for the big journey over to root for your country’s team. Now in my mind there is no better way to cheer the team on than in your native tongue, but it’d also be pretty nice to know some of the local vernacular. To stay in the theme of things you can skip right over all the unimportant jargon like “Where’s the bathroom?” for something a bit more useful when you’re in the stands like “Go for the pill!” With the games approaching so fast there is no time to waste. Click here for cool World Cup phrases.

Today’s word is a German word used in Germany:

Bolzen (s) – To kick about. Playing just for fun in your spare time.

You can find audio and German slang at BBC Languages, who continue to impress on the online scene. They probably have one of the BEST FREE German language guides on the net. Make no mistake in passing this one up! When it boils down to it there are several good sites to learn the Deutsch lingo. Deutsch Lernen and German for Travellers are two other good picks. First Step World offers study abroad courses in Munich and Berlin.

Past German words: vorglühen(s), krieger