Cheers to World Hum's Five Years Online!

Learning that one of your favorite websites on the
entire planet Earth is no more than web dust or completely awash while surfing the world wide web can be a heart
wrenching experience and quite frankly it happens far too often. Just when you discover a Mecca of untapped brilliant
travel stories out of Papua New Guinea or on some lesser explored region in Algeria two days later the domain no longer
exists. I don’t know about you, but this sort of thing sends me to sleep in weeping fits some nights, but on the
brighter side there is one great place people across continents can type into their browsers and still find amazing
travel stories and related blurbs for days. The site is no stranger to the folks here at Gadling and shouldn’t be to
some of you out there, so if you would I’d like to give a quick round of sound to World Hum which celebrates five years online this entire month of May.
Happy Birthday World Hum!