Update from the Road: Walking Across America

My favorite part in telling people that I’m walking across the country is their reaction. I don’t
expect anyone to fall out and faint because I’m not walking the whole length of the country on my own and the idea isn’t
new considering Fat Man Steve should be just about done with his months
long walk on May 8th, but what does surprise me are the number of people who act as if it’s something they could easily
accomplish. Um, sure okay. Even with all the planning and preparation that was made well before me and the 11 other
Americans walking across America with me arrived in NY last month there is still a ton to learn and figure out.

For the most part it’s safe to say my walking days have been fairly mellow and free of drama or headache with
the small exception on Maryland’s hilly state roads. Thus far I’ve walked through Princeton, NJ, West Philadelphia /
West Chester, PA, Rising Sun, MD and did an unofficial walk through Washington D.C. My story however is not the same
for some of my fellow team members. Ken describes America’s roads as Urban Jungles where Urban Bushwhacking must be placed in effect in order to
survive walking along America’s tangled highways and then there’s certain highways and roads you can’t walk on or you’ll get
ticketed $300 as found out by both Ken and Tanya. Who knew?

I suppose what I’m really trying to say to all
those making a walk across the country seem as simple as a walk through Central Park is follow along and see what all
12 of us think as we do it for the first time or read up on
some of the folks in the past who’ve done a similar walk. They’ll be more reports to come, but just let it be known –
it ain’t an easy task.

(Photo taken on my walk through West Philly.)