Word for the Travel Wise (07/17/06)

Going to the post office in foreign places is almost as common as going to the airport these days. Chances are (if you’re like me) everyone you know back home will be begging for a piece of your exotic vacation package and the best (or least) you can do is send them a post card. I don’t know what it is about foreign postage that gets people all wild up? Anyhow, to make your journey into a post office in Spain, where let’s say they only speak Catalan, I’ve provided you with this Catalan jewel.

Today’s word is a Catalan word used in Spain:

franqueig – postage

Resources on the web are many for Catalan. Check out Ominglot first for history and a fantastic list of links to keep you chugging along in your studies. Some of the best in my own opinion include this Intercat site which has a University conversation guide with audio, a section titled ” 30 Tips Catalan in Catalonia,” and other additional tools. BBC has a short summary about Catalan and a few helpful phrases.

Past Catalan words: sisplau, em dic